bye beehar.....

laz gathering with ah har.....
ah har today going back to ipoh adi ......
this holiday quite happy coz can hang out and exercise with ah har.....
she is a very funny and we called her "siao lala" and she oso called me that too.....
bye ah har.....take care there.....
see you at "Japanese Ghost Day" ya.....

all of us (+late late come de kean choon and tong hui)....but dono why cant see tong hui eh????

yeeng...but cant see frens at the back adi

black gang.....they all wear black shirt "simultaneously"..... very nice and yeeng lor.....

all of us.....

the gals .....i wan to kill ah har.....

me...dodo....christine....yeeling....huey shan.....lay ping

the jar and the source bottle so tin teh..... ish.....luckily we all stil pretty,rite ho my gals?? haha...


Prawn said…
Bye bye....hehe....I stay at Ipoh sien lo...
So miss Penang life....
But sometimes one month back 1 time only....swt lo...haha...
Thx for the gathering tat nite ya... ^^
Take care everybody!
αℓiςε said…
yoo...your arial so short eh.... i upload this laz week adi late juz leave me
take care there ha....
waiting you come back ha....
Prawn said…
My line here no good just see it nia...haha...
Now start concern u more more lo....satisfied boh??hahahah....
αℓiςε said…
yaya...sure lah....muz alwaz read my blog and give many comment ah...
ahhhaa....thank you lor....
i will read ur blog too....
Prawn said…
Haha...Sorry for late reply lo...
Welcome la...
Thanks for ur comment also...
Write so much there....
Thanks a lot!^^

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