four of us.....so pretty rite?? kim....shichi.....me.....yoong.....

kenny roger.....................................

the logo................

the wall..............nice........^^

muffins!!!!!!!!!!! aaawwwww!!!! i lovin it.........^^

the chickens rosting inside.........

nice and comfortable condition...........


the dishes you can choose.....choose 3!!

the meal that we going to eat.......yum yum.....^^

wow.......colourfull drinks!!!!!

autum...............coke + 1 scope of choc ice cream..............not bad larr......RM5.50 ++

spring...........sprite+orange+1 scoope vanila ice cream................RM 5.50 ++

banana......vanila......and choc muffins.............!! tasted great !!!

kim's meal..............RM15.50 ++

shichi's meal......RM15.50 ++

yoong's meal......RM15.50 ++

my meal............RM15.50 ++

WOW.........i love colesow!!!!!!!!

yeah...........so happy dinner here...........

finis it!!!!!!!!!! wahahah......

my choc muffin..........

open ur mouth i throw inside ya......ahhhaha.....
conclusion : nice.....fresh..........happy.........satisfy..............
i also wan2 eat la!!!!!!!
finally we found a restaurant whereby the food is edible....
yaya....but....i wish the chicken to be softer....then will be perfect....
Is delicious....hahahaha...
Nex time no nid go Dave Deli n eat again ad...
later this will oso become dave deli if we alwaz go kenny roger....
then wil not sien ad..