today me and darling and zhi siang went gurney nandos for our dinner....
taste not bad....
but i prefer Kenny Rogers.....
today so happy.....
after we have our dinner....
we fetch chee kang to Jaya mamak store......
and guan lee come along too.....
we chat there and have fun there.....
so happy to be with my frens.....
~end with happy night~


this is the lengzai zhi siang.....

my iced choco......

zhisiang's iced lemon tea ......

darling's orange juice.....

i'm serious and pro when snaping picture.....kakakka.....

aishh.....this cool man......act and pan yeng again..........

this is my meal~~ yummy~~

darling's meal....

zhi siang's meal ......

~dear bunny with me~
i want to thank my dear.....
for keep on feeding me fat......
thanks dear!!