i am biotech student

i am not microb student

i am very very very down during this moment

my original fyp title : Endophytic migration of red-fluorescent protein tagged azospirillum lipoferum in rice


Dr Amir have slightly modify it

i maybe don't have any chance to tag my bacteria with red-fluorescent anymore

this is the only part related to biotech

the rest of the part of the title is just a microb part

but now Dr wants to remove this part

this is the most interesting part of my title

it may gone soon

many problems cause this to be happen

Dr Amir is too busy (he is deputy dean of Bioscol)

he promised to discuss with prof Nazalan about the tagging part

until now , nothing

2nd , my GA (senior that Dr assigned to me)

i still haven't met her , she being sick for whole month already

everything keep delay and delay

should i balm anyone there ?

i don't know

how wish i could have the tagging part before plant the seeds and so on

why i have to wait you all ?

why you always give me empty promise ?

what should i do now ?


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