11/10/2010 'lucky day' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have to write this out
if not i sure cant fall asleep tonight
what a day
i am not 'perasan'
i always wish i am a happy go lucky girl
yeah , if not mistaken
my dear fren eewen mentioned about i am the happy go lucky type of girl
yeah i like to act funny all the time,
to keep everybody including me and my friends surrounding me feel happy all the time ,
unfortunately the lucks will never belongs to me
why ?
okay fine
we couldn't blame anyone
sometimes ,lucks just like random atom surrounding the air
okay fine
that's all right
but i really fed up
shall i blame anyone?
this is my fate
among my friends
i am always the one 'pro' to deal with such things :
been scold by supervisor just because i am the 1st to present my proposal
p/s : i will never forget how Dr Amir embarrassed me infront of all the GAs and post doctor
why i have so many feelings about lucks
cause i am too perasan ?
today what actually happen was
my school TRAFIK guards blocked my way , and summoned me
i shall not travel to that FUCKING 'trafik guards popular' ZONE = SK
i saw the blocking and i cant escape since the FUCKING idiont WAJA blocked my single way
the trafik guards asked whether i am student
as usual i will i say 'hantar kawan' since i really fetching 2 of my friends
he wanted to see my driving licence , i can't refuse to do that
i have him , he say out loud ,
'you comfirm bukan student ?!!'
"tak mengaku?'
'jika kami pergi check , kamu pelajar, '
'kamu akan dikenakan tindakan tatatertib dan digantung sekolah !'
the FUCKING big size and shaded trafik guards really scared me and my friends
hence i have no choice i have to admit
and hence they summoned me
from RM30 become RM50
you thought we student very rich ?
you not allow me to drive into campus ?
how about i did that same on you ?
the FUCKING idiot guards never listen to our explainations
they just know how to bully us students
and to be abit racist
they always treat Malay better
i saw they let go the malay girls from being summoned
only those uneducated DOGS will have that kind of action
FUCK is enough for today
i totally cannot concentrate on my studies and lab works today
feeling so hurt when thinking the RM50 to be given to the FUCKING USELESS and UNCONTRIBUTABLE TRAFIK
i rather spend this to treat the dogs for luxuries dog's meal
i am sorry
too rude already
this is the way i express my anger
and specially thank to Shih Chi
you know ?
when after the class , i felt so down
you come near me and you hang my hand with your hand together while walking
i felt so warm
and specially thank to Shih Chi
you know ?
when after the class , i felt so down
you come near me and you hang my hand with your hand together while walking
i felt so warm
and thanks for keep consoled me at that time
actually something happy happens to me too for today
very very surprise thing
very very unexpected thing
that can makes me smile since the whole morning i can't even laugh or smile out
my kakak that assingned by doctor to guide me
she's back at last !!!
long awaited kak munirah is back !!!!
and she sit beside me while i am streaking plates
streak plate took about 3-4minutes
she just sit there and i felt weird why got somebody sit there watching me
but i dindt turn my head since everything have to be very sterile and aseptic
when i finished
i turn my head
'hie Li Wee.....'
a very sweet and soft voice from kak
i opened my mouth about 5cm diameter
and no words come out from my mouth
suddenly don't know how to call her
stucked there for 5seconds
then i great her ' AHHHH ! KAK!!!! you are back !!!"
and she smile to me and say "yes..... ^^"
we chit chat about the lab works and progress of me
and i just realised she's not sick for whole month that i thought
she was pregnant !!!
sooo happy to hear that
congratulations !!!
well , my day should end with this feeling
feel high and happy
stop rewind to the black site of the day
don't think !!!
keep this mood and sleep well alice !!!!
wish me all going well tomorow
i want to be a lucky girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!