FeedBack for Sakae Sushi and Fish Market (SENT)
i received very bad serving from Penang Queensbay Outlet , i wanted to sign up as a member, i waited the membership form to be filled for about half hour and in between i do remind many times the workers there, as conclusion , I walk to the counter and took it by my self. the serving is too slow and the environment is hot , and the floor is dirty and kinda slippery too. please take note! thanks!!! hope to get a better service next time!!!
the student meal was disappointing me, there are lots of complaints, but i still believe there is a nice outlet surviving , i went to try it myself, it was really disappointing me! the seafood 101 , the portion smaller from the menu picture, fine... since it was cheap... the worst is the fried squid, it is no longer considered as fried, should be called as BURNT SQUID..the squid is overfried and shrink into a small piece of black stuff, and it tasted salter than the sea water, it was really disappointing me, what happen to Fish Market that i used to respect you guys so much for the delicious and great quality food? i hope you guys take this matter into a serious manner and consideration... there are lots of complaints in facebook, but no improvement i can observed, sigh. PLEASE!!! stop disappointing us!!! thank you