I'm Back
My Goodness, it has been >1year time I did not update my blog, I'm so so sorry my dear e-Diary..
What actually brought me here tonight?
I felt really really bad with a lot of mixed feelings and I've no idea who should I talk to, who is the best adviser, who able to help, etc, so basically I can only come back to you, my dear e-Diary, so sorry! >.<
Basically, I think there is a compulsory NEED to update what are those thing happened in the passed 1 year.
Okay, let's start from 2012 June...
11th June 2012
The so call Historical Day where I just joined AMD, what's the 1st thing in my mind when I flash back to the memory? Yes, my much more smooth, prettier face, and the thinner outlook.. *crying like a big baby now
I met John, the manager who hires me, followed by Yong Chin, Daifei, William, Sandy, CK Lee, MaHW, basically these are the people who really helped me alot when I just joined AMD, they brought me to their gang, never missed me out from the big lunch team, big thanks to you guys, deeply appreciate it.
When I'm just join AMD, I'm directly report to John, who is the equipment manager who hires me, or accurately who kena tipu by my tricks during interview, LOL. ok, lets talk professionally now. I'm fully engage with those non-engineering related workloads such as, headcount, OT, internal training, BPC planning, plus some secretary/ administrative task (what I can recall so far is, distributing dumplings and raya gift, laminating those contact cards, what a rojak job = =)
3 months later, John left AMD, I'm then reporting to a new boss, BN Yong, and finally, what a FINALLY, I've the opportunity to get involve in the real engineering team! Starting end of Sep, I am officially the member in the Backend Team. The very first time I went into their BE meeting, struggling hard to understand what they're discussing & presenting. Meeting ends, John asked me (he still there), any question you want to ask? I just smile and say "still catching up". I remembered Chris smile and say to everyone "I guess she doesn't understand at all, that's why no question" WALAOOOO.. ok, my very 1st impression on this guy, he is so so soooooooooo soooooooooo SOMBONG...soon, the "GOOD DAY" has arrives, for so many months, struggling hard in BE, micromanaged by the SOMBONG guy sometimes, stress level can go up to mount Everest that high, cried for so many times, but I'm grateful BE team still have some GOOD and KIND type of people. The very precious and humble snr tech who helped me alot during time being. Nazir, Man, thanks to you guys. You guys treat me nais, really nais, appreciate the help given all the time.
Time flies, for 7months I guess, when I started to build a better relationship with the team, in terms of the network, the bonding with each of everyone in the BE team, the interest, and the most important one, experience! I feel like, I like this job, I like this team! In contrast, there is an re-org happens during June2013, where I've been pull out from that team. I don't remember how many times I cried for that incident, truly heart broken with the arrangement made by the bosses. I even beg to Chris to talk to Yong to reconsider about this arrangement again, he fails to convince Yong, sigh, I'm forever stuck there. So, since the announcement made, I aggressively looking for jobs, got 3 job offers so far, 1st is Nippon Steel which offers me RM2.8k, rejected due to I was hoping for B-Braun, 2nd offer was the HockPin, offers RM2.7k where I rejected too as it hits below my minimum required salary, 3rd is the Esquel, RM2.8k, rejecting the offer due to saturday working. Fuhh... end up with? STAY IN AMD lor!!!! Please don't laugh. I really "LOVE" AMD one you know, planning to get "20years service awards" tau?
So, the plan now is, I will still hope for the chance, desperately, to go back to the BE team, R&M, is helping basis, helping Yong, will never stay in that group for too long, I'm clear about that's not the future I want. dear Boss, I really hope you read this, I'm helping you as I can see you have nobody left to choose, to handle R&M, thanks for saying "I will always backup you and be there for you" but I hope you also note that, I wish you help me back too, please give me a brighter future! Struggling even harder in this new group, alot of thoughts I've limited capacity and imagination to share here, me bad and uncooperative team member, that's the worst part and I believe no matter how I still able to cope with it, because I'm my mother's daughter! Alice Cheng, HAVE FAITH and continue to pray for the day, go back to the place where you should belongs to.
2nd July 2012
The day my sweet heart came to this beautiful world. Since I was small, I own a dream like every kids wishing, I want a pet! Begging for so many years, FINALLY, what a coincident, my best friend Lawrence who just knew a guy who is so generous to give away the puppy without selling, this golden retriever puppy market price is actually RM1K and above, I'm so lucky Man! So, please welcome this beautiful creature to our family, I named her Gaga (proposal from my 1 of my best fiend Eric), parents and friends disagree with the name but somehow I insist to name her Gaga, cause I believe someday she will be as talented and strong like the real lady gaga, my idol actually. Took this beautiful golden retriever baby for go through all the injections, deworming, milk feed her, day by day, she's now a big big gurl.. sometimes just cannot be good, her natural behavior I believe, she's playful, negatively I should say she always bully my dad, anyway we still love this big baby, mummy love you very much, you should know..right honey?
Oct 2012
From picture basically it's clear that this guy has finally graduated from his university UTeM, yes he is my boyfriend. He is now officially holding the degree of telecommunication engineering certificate. Congratulation to you dear. I knew you study very very hard throughout the 4 years, though I'm very disagree with your school culture which allows cheating in examination (opss sensitive topic but I just cannot hide this), anyway still proud of you to graduate from engineering school! LOL. This guy is soooooooo lucky that he got his 1st job (till current) after few rounds of interview, not like mine, jobless for 4months after I graduated, appreciate your QAV (current employment) who hires you, please promise me to work extremely hard, get promoted, always demand yourself to do better than what bosses expected you to deliver him. Be a successful man to me, can? Still wishing you best luck and I'm always here to support you!
26 November 2012
Darkest day in my life, I received a call from brother, Mummy was admitted to hospital, was told by him father suspect mummy has stroke, from that call, the tears and emotion and the adrenaline hormone is rushing and racing in my body like my whole body is going to collapse. Immediately I took my bag, with 140km/h speed I reach Gleneagles, I saw mummy laying on the bed in the emergency room, very weak, not able to speak, my heart was pumping fast in fact broken into pieces, cried loud in the heart but pretending I'm ok infront of mummy, as I don't want she to fear of what is happening on her right now. Doctor Yoong checked on her, based on the scan result and everything, yes, mummy has a brain tumor on her front head, also the mild stroke that causing her fall down in that morning. I took unpaid leave for a week, fully in charge taking care of my mum, my family, that was the time I was trained so well how to be a responsible human, also the time I realize how important my family members to myself, how much I love my mum! Pray very hard that mum could go through everything, my family members especially my dad who's 60 above now, he can be strong to face all these. After 1 week of treatment, thank God mummy is able to discharge from hospital, however she's still weak, cannot walk properly, cannot speak clearly, etc. Lots of advice we get from our relatives, friends, to send her for some treatments other than what doctor suggested. Like acupuncture, massage, chinese medicine, physiotherapy, and so on. After months, mummy is able to walk on her own (very slow and not confident), able to speak clearly, just back to her normal life! From my deepest of my heart, i really want to thank, first, my father, daddy, you're amazing! thanks for supporting the whole family during the tough time, I love you very much and I really hope you can take good care of yourself too. next, is my boyfriend, thanks dear for the help, the comfort given, everything, promise me you learn my lesson and love your parents more each of everyday. next, Hooi Ling, Boo Keat, Peggy and some other friends from church. I was truly touched inside my heart when you guys came to hospital, hand to hand and pray to your God infront of my mum, I believe God hear you guys, I believe God did heal my mum! I sincerely appreciate the help from you guys, thanks for caring my family so much. next, Lawrence, one of my best buddy, who full time accompany me during the tough week when mummy was admitted. thanks buddy, glad to have you with me when i'm emotionally unstable during that tough week, appreciate very much. next, my boss BN Yong and my team, thanks for being understanding during my absence to work. I'm very sorry to the team, Chris, Aubrey, Nazir, and so on if my absence causing you guys to work extra due to me, really sorry. last and not least, the Gods that all the while blessing my family and myself, NamoAmitofo, NamoDacidabei Gaunshiyinpusha. I feel thankful that my mum she's getting better now. Thanks for the blessing and I'm begging NamoAmitofo, NamoDacidabei Gaunshiyinpusha for your kindness, to continue bless my family, my friends and myself for a healthy, safe and balance life.
14th July 2013
HAHA, basically this is not an important item anyhow, just to update my e-Diary that after considering and waiting for soooooo many months, and the opportunity to change a better smart phone has arrives. tang tang tang tanggggggggggg....... I saw the Digi promo with "S4...further mark down on the price".. waoo, cannot tahan anymore, aggressively looking for a digi store to ask on the plan, and I believe the plan is pretty nice, phone price is quite cheaper vs other normal phone stall, the most attractive part is the zero contract, hehe, no commitment needed and I can terminate anytime, ok, a great number has been chosen, with my birthday code some more, too happy with the new phone and everyday just cannot stop playing my new phone. I believe there is 2 party affected where 1st is the mr BF, will less looking at his face because something square and colorful is more attractive than his face?? LOL, forgive me. 2nd one is... the lady GAGA in the house. hrmmm... I can predict there is a risk my phone is going to be her next "target" soon.. *zrippssssss keeping my phone into my pants, LOL
16th July 2013
Tuesday, the working day after the replacement Holiday. As usual, driving to AMD in the early morning, when I stopped at the junction, the driver behind me horn my, repeatedly, I was annoyed with his acting and when I manage to get out from he junction, he follow me closely and I've no idea what I did next. My brain was disconnect with my body perhaps, I open my window, the "nah" just automatically raised up, at that moment, trust me I'm not Alice Cheng Li Wee, I've no idea what i'm doing! I was pissed off and my mood was really bad that time, soon, the car intentionally overtake my car, the fat guy wearing formal open his window and scream at me, and hit my car with her palm, like a mad monkey his banana was grabbed away by his monkey friends. Again, the temperature is like above 2k degrees and I believe this cause the disconnection between my brain and body. Again, the "nah" was raised up and this time, that's the only signal I can give to this mad monkey, immediately, he block my car, stopped infront of me, without looking at the back mirror, he opened his car door, an unlucky motorcyclist was hit by his stupid acting. This man has gone mad and I believe his saraf sudah putus semua kut. You never think of checking your surrounding before you open the door kah? His plan was ruined as he is not able to reach me, the motorcyclist was arguing with him, while there is the good time for me to escape, thanks God blessing me from being roadbully by this mad monkey. Anyway, I'm ready to fight if there's anything going to happen on me. Of course I will act wise, not to go down from car, make a police call, or the worst come to worst is knock him down with my car! If he really wants to hurt me. Okay, thank God all these are not happening and I reach AMD safely. Lesson from the incident, okay, I will not do that again, I promise! Lesson no2, please don't act like a road gangster if you don't own a brain. Lesson no3, women are irrational most of the time, don't challenge them because they can act so much crazy than what a man can do.
I've done writing all the updates, is time to look back, what're the things I can improve here? Let me rephrase it, it could be something like ...
Take full responsibility, care for them no matter how busy you are, be patient to them, spend more time to talk to my father and mother! Plan for medical check up for daddy and mummy if can.
Be nice to him, forgive his dumbness (LOL pls don kill me if you read this), don't set too high expectation, demand less from him, learn how to be independent without his help, be faithful to him, etc (tbc)
Get more network with building new relationship by knowing more people, learn how to communicate better with different kind of people, also for existing connection/ friends, shall always keep in touch and stay close with them, care about them, think of their difficulties, help as much as I can, forgive their mistakes, be harmony with each other
Follow up closely on what's not done yet, get enough sleep so I can concentrate better, do my best to exceed boss's expectation! Also my own expectation of course.
Go to bed before 12pm, do some exercise, eat less, drink a lot of water (I am not water-lover), have better financial planning from now on-wards.
Not sure am I able to meet all the above? Eventually already fail the 4th one, I'm not on bed yet for now (4.40am), my Goodness, ok night Alice, be good yah!
What actually brought me here tonight?
I felt really really bad with a lot of mixed feelings and I've no idea who should I talk to, who is the best adviser, who able to help, etc, so basically I can only come back to you, my dear e-Diary, so sorry! >.<
Basically, I think there is a compulsory NEED to update what are those thing happened in the passed 1 year.
Okay, let's start from 2012 June...
11th June 2012
The so call Historical Day where I just joined AMD, what's the 1st thing in my mind when I flash back to the memory? Yes, my much more smooth, prettier face, and the thinner outlook.. *crying like a big baby now
I met John, the manager who hires me, followed by Yong Chin, Daifei, William, Sandy, CK Lee, MaHW, basically these are the people who really helped me alot when I just joined AMD, they brought me to their gang, never missed me out from the big lunch team, big thanks to you guys, deeply appreciate it.
When I'm just join AMD, I'm directly report to John, who is the equipment manager who hires me, or accurately who kena tipu by my tricks during interview, LOL. ok, lets talk professionally now. I'm fully engage with those non-engineering related workloads such as, headcount, OT, internal training, BPC planning, plus some secretary/ administrative task (what I can recall so far is, distributing dumplings and raya gift, laminating those contact cards, what a rojak job = =)
3 months later, John left AMD, I'm then reporting to a new boss, BN Yong, and finally, what a FINALLY, I've the opportunity to get involve in the real engineering team! Starting end of Sep, I am officially the member in the Backend Team. The very first time I went into their BE meeting, struggling hard to understand what they're discussing & presenting. Meeting ends, John asked me (he still there), any question you want to ask? I just smile and say "still catching up". I remembered Chris smile and say to everyone "I guess she doesn't understand at all, that's why no question" WALAOOOO.. ok, my very 1st impression on this guy, he is so so soooooooooo soooooooooo SOMBONG...soon, the "GOOD DAY" has arrives, for so many months, struggling hard in BE, micromanaged by the SOMBONG guy sometimes, stress level can go up to mount Everest that high, cried for so many times, but I'm grateful BE team still have some GOOD and KIND type of people. The very precious and humble snr tech who helped me alot during time being. Nazir, Man, thanks to you guys. You guys treat me nais, really nais, appreciate the help given all the time.
Time flies, for 7months I guess, when I started to build a better relationship with the team, in terms of the network, the bonding with each of everyone in the BE team, the interest, and the most important one, experience! I feel like, I like this job, I like this team! In contrast, there is an re-org happens during June2013, where I've been pull out from that team. I don't remember how many times I cried for that incident, truly heart broken with the arrangement made by the bosses. I even beg to Chris to talk to Yong to reconsider about this arrangement again, he fails to convince Yong, sigh, I'm forever stuck there. So, since the announcement made, I aggressively looking for jobs, got 3 job offers so far, 1st is Nippon Steel which offers me RM2.8k, rejected due to I was hoping for B-Braun, 2nd offer was the HockPin, offers RM2.7k where I rejected too as it hits below my minimum required salary, 3rd is the Esquel, RM2.8k, rejecting the offer due to saturday working. Fuhh... end up with? STAY IN AMD lor!!!! Please don't laugh. I really "LOVE" AMD one you know, planning to get "20years service awards" tau?
So, the plan now is, I will still hope for the chance, desperately, to go back to the BE team, R&M, is helping basis, helping Yong, will never stay in that group for too long, I'm clear about that's not the future I want. dear Boss, I really hope you read this, I'm helping you as I can see you have nobody left to choose, to handle R&M, thanks for saying "I will always backup you and be there for you" but I hope you also note that, I wish you help me back too, please give me a brighter future! Struggling even harder in this new group, alot of thoughts I've limited capacity and imagination to share here, me bad and uncooperative team member, that's the worst part and I believe no matter how I still able to cope with it, because I'm my mother's daughter! Alice Cheng, HAVE FAITH and continue to pray for the day, go back to the place where you should belongs to.
2nd July 2012

Oct 2012
From picture basically it's clear that this guy has finally graduated from his university UTeM, yes he is my boyfriend. He is now officially holding the degree of telecommunication engineering certificate. Congratulation to you dear. I knew you study very very hard throughout the 4 years, though I'm very disagree with your school culture which allows cheating in examination (opss sensitive topic but I just cannot hide this), anyway still proud of you to graduate from engineering school! LOL. This guy is soooooooo lucky that he got his 1st job (till current) after few rounds of interview, not like mine, jobless for 4months after I graduated, appreciate your QAV (current employment) who hires you, please promise me to work extremely hard, get promoted, always demand yourself to do better than what bosses expected you to deliver him. Be a successful man to me, can? Still wishing you best luck and I'm always here to support you!
26 November 2012
Darkest day in my life, I received a call from brother, Mummy was admitted to hospital, was told by him father suspect mummy has stroke, from that call, the tears and emotion and the adrenaline hormone is rushing and racing in my body like my whole body is going to collapse. Immediately I took my bag, with 140km/h speed I reach Gleneagles, I saw mummy laying on the bed in the emergency room, very weak, not able to speak, my heart was pumping fast in fact broken into pieces, cried loud in the heart but pretending I'm ok infront of mummy, as I don't want she to fear of what is happening on her right now. Doctor Yoong checked on her, based on the scan result and everything, yes, mummy has a brain tumor on her front head, also the mild stroke that causing her fall down in that morning. I took unpaid leave for a week, fully in charge taking care of my mum, my family, that was the time I was trained so well how to be a responsible human, also the time I realize how important my family members to myself, how much I love my mum! Pray very hard that mum could go through everything, my family members especially my dad who's 60 above now, he can be strong to face all these. After 1 week of treatment, thank God mummy is able to discharge from hospital, however she's still weak, cannot walk properly, cannot speak clearly, etc. Lots of advice we get from our relatives, friends, to send her for some treatments other than what doctor suggested. Like acupuncture, massage, chinese medicine, physiotherapy, and so on. After months, mummy is able to walk on her own (very slow and not confident), able to speak clearly, just back to her normal life! From my deepest of my heart, i really want to thank, first, my father, daddy, you're amazing! thanks for supporting the whole family during the tough time, I love you very much and I really hope you can take good care of yourself too. next, is my boyfriend, thanks dear for the help, the comfort given, everything, promise me you learn my lesson and love your parents more each of everyday. next, Hooi Ling, Boo Keat, Peggy and some other friends from church. I was truly touched inside my heart when you guys came to hospital, hand to hand and pray to your God infront of my mum, I believe God hear you guys, I believe God did heal my mum! I sincerely appreciate the help from you guys, thanks for caring my family so much. next, Lawrence, one of my best buddy, who full time accompany me during the tough week when mummy was admitted. thanks buddy, glad to have you with me when i'm emotionally unstable during that tough week, appreciate very much. next, my boss BN Yong and my team, thanks for being understanding during my absence to work. I'm very sorry to the team, Chris, Aubrey, Nazir, and so on if my absence causing you guys to work extra due to me, really sorry. last and not least, the Gods that all the while blessing my family and myself, NamoAmitofo, NamoDacidabei Gaunshiyinpusha. I feel thankful that my mum she's getting better now. Thanks for the blessing and I'm begging NamoAmitofo, NamoDacidabei Gaunshiyinpusha for your kindness, to continue bless my family, my friends and myself for a healthy, safe and balance life.
14th July 2013
HAHA, basically this is not an important item anyhow, just to update my e-Diary that after considering and waiting for soooooo many months, and the opportunity to change a better smart phone has arrives. tang tang tang tanggggggggggg....... I saw the Digi promo with "S4...further mark down on the price".. waoo, cannot tahan anymore, aggressively looking for a digi store to ask on the plan, and I believe the plan is pretty nice, phone price is quite cheaper vs other normal phone stall, the most attractive part is the zero contract, hehe, no commitment needed and I can terminate anytime, ok, a great number has been chosen, with my birthday code some more, too happy with the new phone and everyday just cannot stop playing my new phone. I believe there is 2 party affected where 1st is the mr BF, will less looking at his face because something square and colorful is more attractive than his face?? LOL, forgive me. 2nd one is... the lady GAGA in the house. hrmmm... I can predict there is a risk my phone is going to be her next "target" soon.. *zrippssssss keeping my phone into my pants, LOL
16th July 2013
Tuesday, the working day after the replacement Holiday. As usual, driving to AMD in the early morning, when I stopped at the junction, the driver behind me horn my, repeatedly, I was annoyed with his acting and when I manage to get out from he junction, he follow me closely and I've no idea what I did next. My brain was disconnect with my body perhaps, I open my window, the "nah" just automatically raised up, at that moment, trust me I'm not Alice Cheng Li Wee, I've no idea what i'm doing! I was pissed off and my mood was really bad that time, soon, the car intentionally overtake my car, the fat guy wearing formal open his window and scream at me, and hit my car with her palm, like a mad monkey his banana was grabbed away by his monkey friends. Again, the temperature is like above 2k degrees and I believe this cause the disconnection between my brain and body. Again, the "nah" was raised up and this time, that's the only signal I can give to this mad monkey, immediately, he block my car, stopped infront of me, without looking at the back mirror, he opened his car door, an unlucky motorcyclist was hit by his stupid acting. This man has gone mad and I believe his saraf sudah putus semua kut. You never think of checking your surrounding before you open the door kah? His plan was ruined as he is not able to reach me, the motorcyclist was arguing with him, while there is the good time for me to escape, thanks God blessing me from being roadbully by this mad monkey. Anyway, I'm ready to fight if there's anything going to happen on me. Of course I will act wise, not to go down from car, make a police call, or the worst come to worst is knock him down with my car! If he really wants to hurt me. Okay, thank God all these are not happening and I reach AMD safely. Lesson from the incident, okay, I will not do that again, I promise! Lesson no2, please don't act like a road gangster if you don't own a brain. Lesson no3, women are irrational most of the time, don't challenge them because they can act so much crazy than what a man can do.
I've done writing all the updates, is time to look back, what're the things I can improve here? Let me rephrase it, it could be something like ...
Take full responsibility, care for them no matter how busy you are, be patient to them, spend more time to talk to my father and mother! Plan for medical check up for daddy and mummy if can.
Be nice to him, forgive his dumbness (LOL pls don kill me if you read this), don't set too high expectation, demand less from him, learn how to be independent without his help, be faithful to him, etc (tbc)
Get more network with building new relationship by knowing more people, learn how to communicate better with different kind of people, also for existing connection/ friends, shall always keep in touch and stay close with them, care about them, think of their difficulties, help as much as I can, forgive their mistakes, be harmony with each other
Follow up closely on what's not done yet, get enough sleep so I can concentrate better, do my best to exceed boss's expectation! Also my own expectation of course.
Go to bed before 12pm, do some exercise, eat less, drink a lot of water (I am not water-lover), have better financial planning from now on-wards.
Not sure am I able to meet all the above? Eventually already fail the 4th one, I'm not on bed yet for now (4.40am), my Goodness, ok night Alice, be good yah!