all labworks going to end soon ...
all test 2 coming soon ...
final exam coming soon .... 30days more ....
nevermine , i still happy now .... ( stil relex =.=)
haiz ...
watever ....
my blog is my diary book....
i love to post all my fotos ....
wat i had done .....
how i feel ....
so on and so forth ....
OK , start now .......
introducing .............................................................

my breakfast every morning .... without breakfast i cant concentrate in my whole day activity ....
thanks Anlene ...I love you so much tasted damn great !

one of my dinner within this week ..... bak kut teh .....rm8.....damn nice and i will oni choose to eat this when i really feel hungry after class .....

here i started my BTT labwork .....this is my group member list showing the source of bacteria ... soil from BIO scol , soil Pharmacy scol , soil from BAKTI hostel ....and so on ....

this is the plate we using alomost everyday in labwork .... this is Agar plate which is the "hotel" of bacteria .... complete with all nutrients ....we use this to culture and isolate bacteria for further research and tests .......

many chemicals in my lab ..... (abit messy)

we culturing the bacteria in kebuk wasap .....prevent contimination ......
the gal is shichi....not me ya.....haha.....

yeah~~ my nice result .....many single colony formed !
(self praised....beh tahan nia....=.=)

now ,is another labwork (bacteriology) ......the bacteria change the colour of the liquid.... so nice and make me desire about Ribena and orange juice pula ....iaks .....haha....

my dear are pro enough ler....... snap with Bunsen burner some more.... =.=

wow.....positive result~~ buble inside the smal tube showing there are coliform (bacteria) observed in our water sample (lake) .....

i love this picture so damn cool man~ this is the stick we used to streak the bacteria on nutrient plate ....we muz burn to sterilize in every step of our work.....

finaly , gram staining test (observed under light microscop) ..... is red in colour.....hence ,our conclusion--->gram negative bacteria observed.....coliforms !! (e.coli....etc....)

waiting our prof Uyub coming........but he absent at laz......snap foto for fun in lecture hall.......
kim going to sleep....

of coz i love exercise too.....i love cycling so much actually .....this is the 1st time i cycling in USM .... i feel so great and cool...... this is my room mate ....with me.....
(sorry yeewen, i dare not post ur foto as u mentioned u don wan ....haha.....)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13th week ended~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~