time pass so fast !!
4 years pass just like 4 secs....
i still remember the day we sent our brother to UUM in the 1st day (oreintation week),
my mom and me sobing inside car when going back....
hehe.....abit sad lar.....
now brother ad graduate.....
so fast!!!!!

outsite the big big big dewan....

my lovely mama with the lovely sun flower.....

oops.....plastic begs flying around......but no people care about it......=.=

when we want to go inside the dewan , GOSH.....need to line up......wait....wait and wait........when i reach the door , the pengawas said "jeans are not allowed" ......wtf....... but anyway, i went to cousin house alone that time while my dad and mom going in.......

my dear brother......congrates to you ya........!

he is really happy that day .....

my dearest family....but my big brother didnt come , abit dissapointed but overall still happy! ^^

lenglui so busy holding the flowers.....hahahahhahaha.......=.=

my cousin...3 pretty sisters.......with my family .....

wow.....is the time now to throw!!

congratulation ya brother......!! wish you all the best in your future......