a huge card and a nice wrapped present .....

the huge card from dear , a normal size green card from dear sister .... thanks both of you !

i love my present !! nice wrapped present ~ guess wat's inside ???

omg!! is the kitty cookies that i never wish to own it... is damn expensive......

a box of cookies that 3X expensive than other normal cookies.....omg ! dear , why u ......T.T ..... touched touched ......

the types of cookies inside the box....

damn cute kitty metal box !!! omg !! going to cry when im holding the box ..... T.T..... touched....

the cute cookies....smel VERY nice but i dono when shud i eat.....is so hard to make a decision when shud i eat tat......T.T.....

argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy cookies !!!! like gold tat heavy ??

nah , he is my dear santa claus.... (like to act cool alwaz)
dear , i know you are rushing here and there to buy me those cute stuf....
i know you so wish to make me feel happy for every moments.....
im so touched.....
don spend so much again ya.....
ur heart is the best present for me forever......
again , thanks dear....
and i love you.....