this probably is the cafe i wont step in again....
the chicken is the hardest chicken i ever ate...
my teeth tired of biting those chicken...
like eating a rock....
my frens even say tired while cuting the chicken with the knife.....
the drinks is so so oni.....
not much special....
i rili appreciate today gathering organize by cheekang.....
and thanks zhisiang fetching us.....




dear = apple juice (after 30min oxidized become 甘蔗水 color/dark green)

me = chocolate milk shake (sucks coz no decoration)

me = marryland (special salad) - the chicken is dark brown color....
(like been fried for many times or too long time.....)
but not golden yellow color as i wish....
tat dark brown color give me a very bad impression.....

dear = chic chop (black pepper source)
this more keng, chicken chop but taste like pork chop....
and i don like to oval shape plate too....
sorry ya.....critic so much.....i have the rights to complain rite??