we can have a short break now after the damn packing quizzes and tests !
finaly i got the chance to step in golden steamboat....
the last visit is quite long time ago.....
is with my ex boy fren some more.....
rili a long long time ago......
i rili miss kam huo guo alot !!!
its tomyam soup just tasted great !

so excited when i look at the balls !

yoong's favourite 'zhu rou yuan' ......

balls !!!

yuumiee !!!

my uni buddies , yoong kim and chichi.....

i look ugly in this foto.....>.< just as memory no choice..... im holding fish bone!!

4 of us at kam huo guo......

pretend to be busy is our 'qiang xiang' ....

cute prawn !! going to throw you all into the soup !! hohoho~~

left = my favourite 'banana leaf meat' !!!! right = yoong's favourite taiwan sausage meat

end of a day , happy and satisfy ! hope you all enjoy it too.... kam huo guo, i promise i will be back ! misss you !