yesterday was my 1st time hang out with darling's sister ....
1st is to buy some 'important' stuff .... (oni yoong understand this , keke)
2nd is to accompany her since she was quite 'pc' and unhapy recently....
today both of us bought lots of stuf...
and i changed her from 'guai guai girl' bcm 'shopping queen' .....
im sorry aunty !! haha....
girls, our life wil be meaningless without shopping right ?
she bought her lovely diary , shirt, beg , and so on.....
i bought my bracelet , a sweater , a lense box , etc...... (hahhaa)
spend alot today =(
but happy as conclusion =)

here i meet my dream dinner beg again !! went in for how many times until the miss know me already , really sweat, the price is not affordable for a student like me ..... as darling's sister said , take picture to keep to 望梅止渴 la...... really sweat and sad !!!

take a break at shua shua le , the best tomyam corner !

wow ...... my favourite .... but i ate less on this .....coz prom night is on the next day !!! preventing acnes and calories to say hi to me !!!

cute sister , look alike with darling when he put on his spec ....

yaaa !!!!!here comes my lovely stuf !!!!!

pinky piano lense box !!!! is damn cute but is quite costy ...... heart will gatal if i didnt take her home ......just buy la..........=="

inside there are lense case , mirror, solution bottle, and so on.... all in pink ! luv luv luv ~~~