finaly i got some kind of mood to post and write something about my internship at island hospital
2 months of internship
so far 3 weeks has passed
3 weeks at hematology lab
5 weeks to go
i need to continue whatever
let me introduce something about my LI to you all ~ ♥
a very familiar 'scenery' ..... everyday i need to walk for 10minutes to reach my lab .... coz we are 'staff'' ,we are not allowed to park in the hospital ...
'prison rice' from island cafe , we are using staff coupon .... about the food there , hmm ... is quite okay la , is very expensive for visitors (can be up to rm8/plate) , and is very cheap for staff (rm3 fixed), haha ...
machine to run APTT and PT

machine to run ESR (erythrocytes sendimentation rate)

another machine to run ESR

machine to run HBA1C (diabetis) and HBA2 (thalessemia)

a corner to test for patient's blood group

a corner to prepare slide smear , and also stain the slides with Leishman Eosin and buffer pH6.8

a water bath to incubate all kinds of solution / sample (37 degree celcius)

i am drying the slides after i wash away the stain

hmm , according to my manager , this machine penang only has 3, 1 belongs to island hos , sounds superb and expensive ler , this is a machine to run full blood count

patient's data management

blood bank , this fridge contains A , B , AB and O types of blood ....
every patient's blood will be kep for 1 week , if no further order or test to be run , we will just throw it away

microscop to look at the patient's cell count and cell morphology
this is what it looks under microscop , our reb blood cells , purple stained cells are white blood cells

another lovely picture under microscop , the different types of white blood cells , neutrophils , basophils , and so on , how lovely are they !
stut face ! the one and only foto took myself in lab (curi2 one , coz ned to be profesional and serious while working , i snap this while all of my seniors not in the lab , so i look weird!) anyway , i am going to run ESR in this foto , haha.... look so pro ler?
the last picture i want to share out , obviously , these are trees , from where ? from my lab window , always stare on the trees when i am too senang , or waiting for 5.30pm , LOL
i will update about my internship when i change to another deparment , stay tune ~♥