i love public holiday !!!
during Wesak day eve
my 1st steamboat with dear
and 1st visit to xuan xin
my comment will be
no parking
the soup is SOSO oni
food variaties not that much NIA
nice environment
and air-conditioned
(p/s: i miss JIN HUO GUO anyway !! haha ....) ♥

xuan xin at tanjong tokong , EAT ALL YOU CAN ♥

i ♥ the building


there are 4 choices of soup available : 1) pure chic soup 2) tomyam 3) porridge 4) hot and spicy
, we picked chic soup and tomyam soup , p/s : the soup is not tasty enough for me =(


haih , panyeng again ==" .... btw , i am playing 借位 using sausage , LOL ....

EAT ALL YOU CAN ♥ (p/s: 肥死你)

1st round bbq ♥

2nd round bbq , we both ♥ taiwan sausage !! (is not good for health , don eat don eat .....)

ice cream , 3 flavour : choc ,strawberry, vanila , (tasted so so nia) =(

going to end our steamboat

sayonara ~ ♥ end with SS post + darling's car == hehe...